Pad Mount Transformer
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Pad Mount Transformer
Pad Mount Transformer or Pad-Mounted Transformer, it doesn't matter what
you call it because they both mean the same thing. It's a tamper-proof transformer
that sits on a concrete pad. Pad mount transformers distribute electrical power
for various applications. Here are five important things to know about a pad
mount transformer:
When it Comes to Pad Mount Transformers Think "Inside" the Box
All of the connections for a pad mount transformer reside within a steel
cabinet. This is important because it allows the units to be installed in areas
without a fence. You can find a pad mount transformer in a backyard, at a major
shopping center, or at the ballfield. Each pad mount transformer has a tamper-proof
cabinet that houses the cables for both the high and low voltage connections. In
most applications, the high voltage and low voltage cables enter the cabinet
from underneath the transformer. For continued safety, monitor these
transformers every so often.
Most Pad Mount Transformers are Full of It - Oil That Is
The interior of a pad mount transformer contains a core and coils inside
of a steel tank filled with mineral oil. While mineral oil is the most common
liquid inside a transformer, silicone, FR-3, and other substances can be used.
The purpose of the fluid is to cool the transformer and allow it to operate
without overheating.
Pad Mount Transformers are Key (Superstars) to the Power Distribution System.
Pad mount transformers work in association with underground power lines.
These transformers are strategically located at service drops, which is where
transformers "step down" the high voltages supplied by utilities and electric
companies, into a lower voltage able to supply electricity to customers' homes
and businesses. The size of the transformer will determine how much power is
supplied for the application, which could be a single house/business, or an
entire neighborhood.
Pad Mount Transformers are Not One-Size-Fits-All
T&R Electric can provide new or reconditioned pad mount
transformers. The power ratings, voltages, and cabinet sizes can be custom
built for a variety of specifications and applications. The power ratings can
be as low as 1 KVA in a single phase pad mount, and T&R Electric has built
custom pad mounts up to 10,000 KVA in three phase units. They often include
fuses, switches, and gauges that are all built right into the transformer, and
are customized to whatever the end-user needs.
A Station Type Transformer is Different than a Pad Mount - A Horse of a
Different Color
The confusion between a station type transformer and a pad mount
transformer is understandable. After all, a station type transformer often sits
on a concrete pad, and the liquid filled steel tank encloses its core and coils.
Unlike a pad mount, however, a station does not typically have all of its connections
enclosed in a cabinet. A lot of times, the high voltage connections are outside
the station. For safety reasons, it is usually inside a fenced area. But the
easiest way to tell the difference between a station and a pad mount is by
color. Most station type transformers are some shade of gray, while pad mount
transformers are predominantly green (unless you live in the south where the
landscape lends itself better to a desert tan color). However, the best rule of
thumb is, when in doubt - don't touch!
T&R Electric Supply Co., Inc. is an industry leader that supplies all
types of transformers and other electrical components to municipalities, REA's,
investor-owned utilities, commercial and industrial customers. We also sell a
wide variety of electrical supplies for various types of distribution systems.
T&R offers a wide range of both new and reconditioned pad mount
transformers, which can be either single phase or three phase. Call us today
and let our experienced salespeople answer your questions on what will work
best for your specific application. Call 1-800-843-7994
inside the US or 1-605-534-3555 outside the US. You can also visit us online at
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